The Story Behind Navy SEALs Fund – Brotherhood Beyond Battlefield®

Written by Rachel Dzieran

February 18, 2025

The Story Behind Navy SEALs Fund – Brotherhood Beyond Battlefield®

In 2009, Drago was still Active Duty and watched many of his friends, fellow Navy SEALs struggling to find help as they transitioned out of the Teams.  Whether it was for medical reasons or retirement following a distinguished career, there were no options available to support his Brothers who had given so much on the Battlefield.

The catalyst to launching the Navy SEALs Fund was when the Navy brought charges against three Active-Duty SEALs for making a terrorist cry.  These brave Navy SEALs had captured the mastermind terrorist behind the burning and mutilation of four American security contractors who were hung on the bridge in Fallujah, Iraq in 2004. One of the American’s murdered was veteran Navy SEAL – Scott Helvenston.

Wanting to make a difference and stand u for what was the right thing to do, Drago, along with his wife, Rachel Dzieran, and the help of fellow Navy SEAL Duke Harbin, stood up the Navy SEALs Fund to raise legal defense funds for the three SEALs. There was no way they would receive a fair trial when being defended by the same organization charging them. The funds raised provided the support needed for civilian legal counsel that resulted in all three Navy SEALs being found not-guilty and fully cleared of all charges.

This was the start of a uniquely focused support charity for the Navy SEAL community. The Navy SEALs Fund was built with the passion and desire to give back to all generations of UDT/Navy SEALs based on the need and not what was politically correct or a way to make money of the Trident legacy.

The Navy SEALs Fund mission focus of ‘Brotherhood Beyond Battlefield’ put action into the often-spoken mantra of Long Live the Brotherhood. With the charity being founded by Navy SEALs and run by Navy SEALs for the purpose of helping fellow Navy SEALS, the emphasis has always been on giving back and finding solutions to fill in the gaps.  Meet those in need where they are and when they have the need.

Through the decades of support provided by the Navy SEALS, the biggest truth is that it is not just financial support that carries the most value.  Many times the simplicity of letting a person who is hurting know that they are not alone, that they are seen, they are heard, can be the most powerful gift you can give another person.


Established in December of 2009 by former Navy SEALs, the Navy SEALs Fund – Brotherhood Beyond Battlefield ® is a Veterans-helping-Veterans, 501(c)3, tax-exempt charity. All positions within the organization are provided by an all-volunteer staff. There are no paid positions.

The primary mission of Navy SEALs Fund – Brotherhood Beyond Battlefield® is to provide support for all generations of current, retired and former UDT/SEAL teammates and their immediate dependents, including Gold Star Families. The overall objective is to strengthen the bonds of the Brotherhood and reduce the financial burden of members of the Navy UDT/SEAL Community who are in need of assistance.

As a small non-profit, we remain quick, flexible, and responsive; capable of providing Emergency Assistance within hours for the unique needs of current, retired, and former Navy SEAL teammates and their immediate dependents, including Gold Star Families. These needs for assistance can be due to a result of injury, loss of life, transitional needs, or some of life’s unexpected events.

PTS/TBI support has become a greater focus area as the Navy SEALs Fund is one of only a very few charities providing financial assistance for alternative PTS/TBI treatment options for Navy SEALs. The ability to offer choices in care is vital to ensuring that Navy SEALs and their families have the greatest chance of recovery from the effects of PTS/TBI.


The greater percentage of SEALs are now either retired or separated from the Navy, and the Navy SEALs Fund – Brotherhood Beyond Battlefield® is a primary support organization for this larger population. We provide support for all Navy SEAL veterans, Pre-9/11 and Post-9/11. We need, and rely, on your help in getting the word out on what we do to support these UDT/Navy SEALs and their families who have sacrificed so much to our great country.

We work closely with other small military non-profits to provide support and education, ensuring the gaps in resources are covered for the veterans, active-duty, and their immediate families. While other higher profile veterans’ charities may spend big-dollars on salaries, retirement funds, rent, legal positioning etc., the Navy SEALs Fund has little to no overhead, nor red-tape – which means your donation reaches those in need within hours.

With nearly 100% of all money donated going to support the Navy SEALs Fund Mission, you can trust that your generosity is having a direct and meaningful impact on the lives of the Navy SEAL Community.

1 Comment

  1. Andy

    Thank you for your service to America


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