My chance to live as a free man is only possible because of these ideals for which the founding fathers of America fought for and that have been carried forward to this day by Americans.
THANK YOU TO AMERICA AND my fellow American Citizens for my freedom. Thank you for giving me the abundance of opportunity to fulfill my dreams. So many kind Americans went out of their way to help me when I arrived in America. Goodness and moral integrity are the foundation upon which America was built, and this is what makes America unique around the world. In America, it is normal to be good, look out for neighbors, and help others who are in need. This is what makes America a light on the hill for others. I owe everything to America and the great people who go out of their way to give a hand up to those in need, doing what they can to help others realize their own American dream.
Rachel Dzieran
I would like to thank the one person without whom this book would never happen, my beautiful wife, Rachel Dzieran. She is more than my soul mate; she has never given up on me and is blessed with patience beyond understanding to help me find my best self. It is so important to me to share my story with the most accuracy possible that the stress can sometimes be overwhelming. Rachel’s calm in my storms helped to keep my focus on completing this mission. I love you with all of my heart, thank you.
Dan Bongino
Another very important person to thank is Dan Bongino. Without Dan, this book would not be published and available for others to read and learn from. Thank you, Dan, for standing up for what is right and never backing down from a fight. Your relentless pursuit of truth is a benefit for everyone.
Thank you to the SEAL Teams and my Teammates who taught me how to trust in others, their friendship, comradery, and for testing me every day. It was an honor to serve side by side with these men who sacrifice so much to keep our country and freedom safe. A special thank you to fellow SEALs:
Jocko Willink
Thank you, Jocko Willink, for your SEAL Team leadership and for setting an example. You made me a better operator with your mentorship. Your investment in my story on your podcast contributed significantly to gaining broader interest in learning more and moving the book forward to where it is now.
Thank you, Rob O’Neil, Tej Gill, Dan Cerrillo (RIP), Ron Montgomery, Ed Hiner, Nicky Baggett, Tom Bostic, Chris Stroup, Duke Harbin, Kevin Kent, Mike Moriarty, Tony Gehl, Jared Ogden, Nicholas Olson, Chris Freisenbruch, Don Shipley, Marcus Luttrell, Eddie Gallagher, and so many more of my fellow SEAL brothers for your steadfast friendship on and off the battlefield.
Thank you to the other instrumental leaders in the Teams who contributed greatly to my growth as a Navy SEAL.
Police and First Resoponders
Thank you for keeping our communities safe.
Polish Special Forces GROM
My gratitude to the Polish Special Forces (GROM) for excellence and expertise in conducting the joint Direct Action missions. Thank you for the cooperation, professionalism, and friendships. Special thanks to GROM Operators Pawel Mantenczuk, Grzegorz, Maniek, Tylut, Michal, Wronka, Maniek, Janek, Bisu, Stary, Naval, Shagi, Poziomka, Damian, Kaska, Zuku, Ousi, Darek, and Kamel.
Fellow Political Prisoners of Socialist Poland
Thank you to Polish Solidarity leadership and my fellow political prisoners for your strength and resilience during dark days. Your passion in fighting for what is right, putting your personal safety at risk for innocents you would never meet, was and remains inspirational to me.
Sincere thank you to Andrzej Krasuski, Edward Kedziorski, Jerzy Kaniewski, Krzysztof Binkowski, Witold Kaszuba, Jerzy Kropiwnicki, Marek Kulczyk, Adam Pawlus, Dariusz Zytnicki, Marek Lada, Miroslaw Cop, Roman Bielanski, Leszek Tarasiuk, Jerzy Szyinski, Arkadiusz Czerwinski, Father Tadeusz Pajurek, and thousands of other political prisoners fighting Socialist oppression.
Everything I have, everything I own, I owe to America. Now I have a wonderful family, and everything I need to live, and most important I am a free man. I live in the country of the free and brave, and I’m proud to be part of it. Please know that I am just an American, there is no hyphen on this American.
I am a proud American