“My chance to live as a free man is only possible because of the ideals the Founding Fathers fought for and that have been carried forward to this day by Americans”
~ Drago Dzieran

The Book

This book is my memoir. I dedicate it to America and all Americans. My chance to live as a free man is only possible because of the ideals the Founding  Fathers fought for and that have been carried forward to this day by Americans. To all my SEAL Brothers, especially those who lost their lives on and off the battlefield. To our Police and First Responders with gratitude for keeping our communities safe.


Drago Dzieran was born in Poland while under Communist rule and, after spending time in a Communist political prison for his activism against the socialist oppression, immigrated to the United States in 1984. He became a US citizen in 1991 and enlisted in the Navy that same year. Drago Dzieran performed over one hundred combat direct action missions as an NSW Lead Breacher while deployed to Iraq in 2003, 2004, and 2005.


Check the news page for the latest updates and enjoy stories that did not make it into the book. Some of my life journeys were shortened to fit the book space limitations, while other stories were held in reserve.  This news blog will also allow me to provide greater insight into some of the stories based on your questions and curiosities. Neither this blog, not the book, would ever be possible if not for the Freedom and Greatness of America and the American People.


Image and videos are from my childhood, my service as a Navy SEAL, and my life after the Navy. Some of the images, especialy those from Poland are new to me. I found many of them after my mother passing away, in her memorabilia, together with documents from time of Marshal Law and her memoir. I am sharing these here for the first time.

Drago Dzieran was born in Poland while under Communist rule. After spending time in a Communist prison as a political prisoner for his activism against against censorship, oppression and depravity of Communist regime, he immigrated to the United States in 1984. He became US Citizen in 1991 and joined the US Navy the same year.

During his Navy career, he was a assigned to SEAL Team 2, SEAL Team 4, and Naval Special Warfare (NSWC) as a BUD/S instructor in Coronado, California. He performed over one hundred combat direct action missions as an NSW Lead Breacher while deployed to Iraq in 2003, 2004, and 2005, where he developed new breaching methods and a specialized breaching charge that minimized fragmentation and reduced potential injuries to non-combatants on target. This breaching charge allowed SEAL assault elements a smaller stand-off distance from the explosive breach and became widely used by SEALs throughout Iraq, saving many non-combatants’ lives. Dzieran was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with “V” Device for Valor, the Navy Commendation Medal with “V” Device for Valor, and the Army Commendation Medal, along with other awards and decorations.

Following his honorable retirement after twenty years in the Navy, Dzieran began a successful career as a software engineer. He founded the Navy SEALs Fund (www.navysealsfund.org), a 501c3 nonprofit with the mission of providing support for all generations of current, retired, and former UDT/SEAL teammates and their immediate dependents as well as Gold Star Families. He also founded ConnectZing (www.connectzing.com), a freedom-of-speech platform that gives a voice to all Americans without the worry of censorship or socialist fact checkers.


“One of the most powerful books I’ve read in a long time.”

Dan Bongino - Dan Bongino Show

American conservative political commentator, radio show host, and author

“I had the honor of serving with Drago Dzieran in combat. He exemplified everything a warrior should be: smart, courageous, aggressive, disciplined, determined, strong, loyal, and patriotic. I knew he would never let me down. This book, detailing Drago’s incredible life, provides a detailed insight into the heart of this warrior and offers an inspiring story for every American.”

Jocko Willink, US Navy SEAL LCDR (ret)

Best-selling Author, Podcaster

“Drago is a legend in the SEAL Teams as a lead breacher and operator. This book is full of hard won wisdom and inspiration! He gives a clear image of what it is like to grow up in Communist Poland not long after World War two. His insights will inspire us all to be more grateful for our nation and to be better citizens and better human beings. Given the state of our political environment we should read Drago’s words, listen to his wisdom, and be very careful and diligent to preserve the freedoms that we enjoy. Outstanding read and hard to put down!”

Ed Hiner, US Navy SEAL LCDR (ret)

Best-selling Author of "First Fast Fearless", and "GUTS"

“Drago is the finest Navy SEAL I’ve had the honor of serving with. Not only was he able to bring together two great units of Special Operations with Polish GROM and US Navy SEALs, but he is most known for prowess as a Master Breacher. He’s the guy who gets the team in and then fights right next to them. Drago’s story is one of great appreciation for the freedom he found in America, and his effort to everyday give back to America “ keeping it the shining beacon of freedom for the world.”

Rob O'Neill, US Navy SEAL who killed Osama Bin Laden

Best-selling Author of "The Operator" and "The Way Forward"

As Drago says, we did not go to war to defend freedom for only certain people, we fought for All Americans. His love for this country is infectious and you will come away from this book with a stronger sense of pride for America and renewed faith in our ability to overcome differences with neighbors to make this country better tomorrow than it is today.”

Marcus Luttrell, US Navy SEAL (ret)

Best-selling Author of "Lone Survivor", and "Service: Navy SEAL At War"

“Drago’s contribution to our joint, GROM and SEALs, operations has become legendary in Poland among GROM and in the US among his SEAL Brothers, especially his breaching expertise. His new breaching charges allowed us to conduct operations with less risk and less danger to non-combatants on target; while at the same time, with less fragmentation, allowing us to stage in closer proximity to the explosive breach and gain faster access to target.”

Pawel Matenczuk

Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran of Polish Special Forces GROM

Drago’s desire to give back to America for his freedom goes far beyond his incredible service as a Navy SEAL. Drago is also the America loving patriot, always standing by to remind you of how great this country is and why we need to keep working together as one for the next generation.

Drago is a proud, great American. And I am honored to call him my dear friend.”
Rich Emberlin, Dallas Police Dept. SWAT (ret)

“Drago has lived his life taking a stand in the never-ending war for freedom and liberty that each generation must wage against the creeping virus of socialism and totalitarianism.  Whether that was on the streets of Poland facing down the Communist and Socialist threat to his homeland or as a decorated US Navy SEAL on the war-torn streets of Iraq or Afghanistan, Drago has lived his American value system at the risk of his own life. This book is a must-read for every American who wants to preserve the precious liberty and freedom Lincoln called “the last best hope on earth”. As an immigrant, his voice rings true for me in a way that I wish every American could understand and stop taking for granted. As citizens of the USA, we owe our country a debt for our freedom. That debt is our loyalty and will to preserve the gift we received for the next generation.  My friend Drago has made a major contribution to that effort. Buy this book. Read it. Learn from it. Then act on it.”

Sam Falsafi, Immigrant from Iran

Lead Trainer, Warrior Week, the world's #1 transformational program for married businessmen with children


“The state infiltrated every aspect of our lives. Learning the Russian language, for example, became mandatory when I entered the fifth grade. Even at that young age I was precocious: I openly questioned why we had to learn Russian when there were people who didn’t even know Polish fully – after all, the Russians were occupiers. [..] So, my teacher immediately pulled me out of class and marched me straight to the principal’s office. Once I was standing in front of him, he called the police. “
The Pledge To America, Chapter 2, Page 32

“Unfortunately for the Communists in Poland, Poles never bought into the narrative that the United States was evil. We acknowledged that these tactics were being used, but not in the United States. What was described in that book [about FBI, published by Communist regime was exactly what the state security police and other government services were using in Poland at that time.”
The Pledge To America, Chapter 7, Page 75